Monthly Archives: February 2008
You’re Not Thinking Fourth Dimensionally
If nothing else convinces you that “time” is a man-made, artificial construction meant to keep people from twiddling their thumbs and staring up at the sun, it should be today. Today is February 29th, which, according to our Gregorian calender, is a Leap Day. What’s a Leap Day? Well, our 24-hour day, 365-day a year […]
links for 2008-02-28
Nerd Link!—BookletCreator “BookletCreator – is a free online tool that allows to create a booklet from a PDF document. It reorders pages so that after printing and folding the pages you get a small book.” I’m saving this more for myself than for your readers. So I’m selfish. Deal
I Might Be An Idiot
Currently, I’m teaching four classes–two of comp I and two of comp II. At UTSA, comp I is “informative writing” and comp II is “argument.” In the comp I classes my students work on using research as a means to inform their readers. There are several things the students need to keep in my when […]
In That Moment, Between Now And Then
I’m not a big believer in the importance of interpreting dreams. I don’t lend any credence or significance to them, and I think dream interpretation books are on par with fortune cookies and magic 8-balls. That said, I do have pretty cool dreams (Don’t worry, I won’t describe any of them. I always feel like […]
links for 2008-02-25
WTF! Google trends provides some…interesting information.
How To Behave On An Internet Forum: An Instructional Video
How To Behave On An Internet Forum
Guy’s Big Bite Bites My Ass
I realize that I probably spend entirely too much time watching the Food Network. I’m pretty much an Alton Brown devotee, but I’ll watch whatever piece of shit the Food Network decides to air. Hell, I’ll even leave Ray Ray on as long as it’s not a marathon. But dammit, I just can’t stand Guy […]
One of the last words I’d use to describe myself would be “giddy.” But today, when I checked my mail, I did in fact feel giddy. I hopped up and down with gleeful jubilation. I even shrieked a little. No, it wasn’t because I got the current edition of Entertainment Weekly, which I did, but […]
links for 2008-02-19
A Time Paradox The SS begins to doubt the supremacy of da Fuhrer.
The Nerd Vote
As the race for the presidency continues, the pundits keep slicing the American electorate into neat little groups so that it’s easy for them to reference large groups of people, which truthfully, irritates me more than a little bit. Just listen to the political talk shows and you’ll hear things like “the black vote” or […]