Monthly Archives: November 2005

You Can’t Say “Bomb” On A Plane. But What If I Was A BOMBardier?

Yahoo published an article today which reports that the Transportation Security Administration has announced they will let passengers carry sharp objects, like scissors on airplanes again. The report also says that “Department officials are said to be more concerned about preventing suicide bomb attacks at airports”¦Officials want screeners to focus more on finding things that […]

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Go watch “Supermonk” right now. It’s a little cartoon about a monk who discovers he knows kung-fu. Whoa. The file is kinda big and there are a few swear words in the score, but you absolutely have to see this thing; the animation’s fantastic, the editing rocks, and the rubber ducky rules. I hope someone […]

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Sometimes small, seemingly inconsequential events overshadow our rational judgment and cause us do commit acts which we would normally find reprehensible. For example, today I successfully fought the urge to lunge at a couple and scoop their eyeballs out with my thumb. Picture this: You’re entering a building and out of your periphery vision you […]

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For Your Filthy Imagination

Can you identify these objects? I’m sure you thought they were intended for something naughty, didn’t you? Well, I sure did. Turns out it’s a “Banana Bunker,” and the product description states: “Cultured Containers has developed the BananaBunker® to protect this delicate fruit from bruising when placed in your backpack, nap sack, soft carrying case, […]

Categories: Texaspecific | 1 Comment

WWMD? He’d Suggest A Donation of Several Hundred Dollars.

Because of my impending graduation I’ve been frantically searching for some activity to fill my time next spring. I’ll allow you to finish spouting out “find a job you lazy shit!” and continue with my announcement. Starting in the beginning of next year I’ll organize a brand-new religion in which I am the sole basis […]

Categories: Texaspecific | 1 Comment

Remote Posting

I’m still away from home, so I feel as if I must apologize for the lackluster posts. I love visiting family, but I hate being away from my computer. I don’t have any of my RSS feeds or my bookmarks, the internet connection pales in comparison to the one at home, I’m forced to use […]

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Death Star

We’d better start our planetary escape procedures. The Death Star is currently orbiting Saturn, and we only have a limited amount of time before Vadar sets his sights on the little third planet from the sun. Here’s my evidence (click for a larger image):

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Actor Noriyuki (Pat) Morita, best known for his role as Mr. Miyagi in “The Karate Kid” passed away today. Here’s the obituary from Yahoo.

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Tryptophan Induced Lethargy

It’s Thanksgiving; a holiday where obesity and over-eating are not only rationalized but encouraged! You’ve only had one helping of turkey and stuffing? Do you not like the meal I’ve been diligently preparing for over nine hours? There you go…load the plate until you can’t carry it. On a sad note, I’m yet again posting […]

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Sugar and Spice and Everything Creepy and Sharp

I’d just like to say that despite all the stereotyping, girls are just as violent and disgusting as guys. For the first video: I knew a guy who was constantly practicing those same moves, but unfortunately he wasn’t as dexterous or as quick as the girl in the video. He shredded his hands to ribbons […]

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