UPDATE: I’ve taken the embedded video off the frontpage because my server runs so slow that it bogged down the page. You can click the link below and download it if you want.
Say all you want about Lucas, he has been very lenient in allowing fans to play in his universe. He also seems to have a pretty good sense of humor about his own material. Sometimes I think fan films and parodies are the coolest things to come out of the whole phenomenon.
Take this clip from “Robot Chicken” for example. You ever wonder how the Emperor reacted after hearing the news that Vader allowed those rebels to blow up his Death Star? Well, wonder no longer.
I must admit that the fact that the Emperor doesn’t eat Cole Slaw troubles me. People who don’t like Cole Slaw shouldn’t be trusted. But I guess that’s why he’s the Emperor.
umm, Mark, I don’t like Cole Slaw – indeed I find the whole race of cabbage-derived foods suspect. But since I am queen of the universe, can that failing in me be overlooked?
::a most trustworthy smile::
I gotta agree whith Anniina here. I think that cole slaw is vile crap. It is shameful trick used to distract the weak minded from the good food.
Unfortunately I am just a punk so I guess we can’t be friends anymore.
I am crying now
Two votes against Cole Slaw? I don’t believe it. I think you’ve both been brainwashed by the Emperor.