The Cindy Sheehan media debacle has reached a level of ridiculousness I didn’t think possible. It seems that everyone’s favorite Klan member, David Duke supports her, and has posted a little article explaining why on his website.
Truthfully, I’m glad David posted that. It’s probably the most interesting article on the event that I’ve read. And not because it’s informative, because it’s not, but because it is hysterically funny. Through the course of the piece we find why David thinks Cindy is right, and why the war in Iraq is unjust. Then at the very end of the piece we finally see what country David thinks we really need defending from: Mexico! Mexico is the true threat, and we’ve diverted our troops away from it!
Man, Duke has sure opened my eyes. While I don’t think the Iraq was is just, I sure didn’t know we needed military protection from Mexico. What would we ever do without David Duke?
I invite you to peruse the rest of Duke’s website at your leisure. A warning though: reading his posts over an extended period of time may very well drive you a little insane. This side-effect may become permanent if you don’t rest and regain your sanity. So please, enjoy the lunacy of David Duke, but do so responsibly.