For all you readers who subscribed to the Bloglet email service on this page you’ll no longer be receiving emails from Bloglet. Instead, I’ve signed up with Feedblitz. Apparently Bloglet neither cares about maintaining their subscription accounts nor about answering queries from blog owners about interrupted and unreliable service.
If you had previously subscribed with Bloglet then I’ve already imported your address into the new system and you don’t have anything to worry about. The email reminder you receive will look different and come from a new address, but hopefully that’s the biggest change you’ll notice.
For those who have no clue as to what I’m talking about, I provide an email notification service which alerts you through email when I update the blog. It’s super-easy (yeah, I actually wrote that) to use. On the side-bar enter your email address into the subscription box, and then sit back and let me tell you when I’ve updated.
You can also subscribe to my RSS feed by clicking the orange icon in the same place on the side-bar.
I hope I’m done revamping everything thing and I don’t have to write any more maintenance posts. They’re rather boring and dull to compose, and they never afford me the opportunity to end posts with punchy and vulgar term like “mother-fucker.”