Monthly Archives: May 2012

Having Said That, That’s An Argument Worth Having

Because I’m a writing instructor, I probably harbor more than the average number of language irritants. I’m not really talking about grammar and mechanics here. I’m mainly addressing how people actually use our language. For example, the introductory phrase “Having said that” has gotten quite popular for some reason. I’m hearing and seeing it more […]

Categories: Writing | 2 Comments

Homegrown Revival’s Axis & Oysters Dinner–You Shoulda Been There

May 16th represented the penultimate Homegrown Revival dinner for this year. I’ve written about Homegrown Revival in the past, so I won’t retread old ground concerning art and food. I’ll just say this: The good folks from Homegrown Revival have created a wonderful community that revolves around local, sustainable foods. We need this type of […]

Categories: Homegrown Revival, Hypercooking, Texaspecific | Leave a comment

Temet Nosce- Part Two (when shit gets real)

When I turned ten, I remember thinking that I should go back in time and visit the other me that was turning five. I remembered how cool it was when it had happened the first time. So I did, and when I got back, I was waiting for me. To be precise, the fifteen year […]

Categories: Writing | Leave a comment

Temet Nosce- Part One

Two weeks ago, on my twenty-fifth birthday, I went back in time and visited myself on my twentieth birthday. I’ve been visiting myself on my birthday in five year intervals since I turned five. That’s when this whole thing started. Fifth birthday. The meetings of self, I call’em. But as experience has taught me, there […]

Categories: Writing | 1 Comment

Three Bad Brothers You Know So Well

I’ve always heard that people remember where they were and what they were doing when something important happens to them. The first time I heard The Beastie Boys’ album “Licensed to Ill,” I was arguing with a guy over five dollars. I had loaned a classmate (oddly enough, I don’t actually remember who) a fiver […]

Categories: Music, Texaspecific | 1 Comment

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