links for 2006-06-03
Helping find jobs for out of work sci-fi characters. Very funny stuff. The video looks like something that SNL would have done back when it was still funny.
My favorite? “American doesn’t torture…”freedom tickles” get the job done!”
I mean, how else to you explain Robertson’s absence?
“She said ‘Amen’ and the room was engulfed in a huge ball of fire.” I guess God figured that hints like hurricanes, tsunamis, and Dick Cheney were far too subtle. Time to Zeus it up a bit. Personally, I welcome a vengeful God with an itchy trigger finger.
More pics from the new Spidey movie. Compliments of Leigh.
Fantastic images. Some of the ads might be NSFW.
Let it load up, and then use your mouse to move the picture to the left or right. It’s worth the wait.
I do love the pirates! Aaaarr!
This is interesting, but the absence of citations is maddening.
I think I spent the whole day on your blog with these links. Yeah, Shakespeare list makes an English major twitch, for lack of Act/Scene info.