links for 2006-02-22
Brokeback Mountain scenes rendered in LEGO. Via BoingBoing
It looks like the director, Richard Linklater, may have actually read Phillip K. Dick’s original novel in adapting this. As opposed to the directors of, say, “Minority Report,” “Total Recall,” “Blade Runner,” “Paycheck,” and “Imposter”
An e-billboard in Times Square experiences what every other Windows user inevitably experiences: A big ‘ole error box. Stability and dependability? Not on Bill’s watch!
At least Russian Skater Dominia isn’t wearing some kind of weird nipple jewelry. (AP photo, but the tinniest bit of skater nipple is visible)
Which published the inflammatory cartoons. “The Muslim face of Denmark has changed, and it is becoming clear that this is not a debate between “them” and “us,” but between those committed to democracy in Denmark and those who are not.”
Ok, last Cheney post. I promise.
The truffle-shuffle is nigh indestructible. Ok, I know that’s weird and probably only appeals to me and three other people, but it’s my blog, so you knew what you were getting into when you came here.
Because there’s nothing like an evening comprised of a beautiufl meal, wonderful conversation, flirting with abandon, and roundhouse kicks to the face.
Link compliments of C. Flood.
Speaking of Philip K. Dick movie adaptations, you’re totally on the money there. Another movie, which IMHO was totally plagiarizing his “Time Out of Joint” but in no way gave credit for it anywhere ever, was “Truman Show.” What do you think?