Some Guys Will Eat Anything

I knew a kid in high school that would eat anything for money. I watched him eat crickets, french fries that had been stomped on, and a portion of a banana peel that had been blackening for days in the school parking lot.

I stumbled on web site called The Sneeze. On this site is a section titled “Steve Don’t Eat It” wherein a guy named Steve eats and drinks some terrible things and then blogs about the experience. As far as I can tell, no one is paying him to do this, which makes Steve even dumber than Jeremy Rager from Aquilla, Texas. However, Steve communicates much more successfully than Jeremy ever did, which could quite possibly point to something important…or not.

One of the funnier posts is when Steve decides to drink freshly pumped breast milk (calm down…it’s from his wife, which, I suppose makes it ok). By the end of the post Steve determines that breast milk mixed with Hershey’s syrup tastes just like Yoo-Hoo.

Great…now I’ll never enjoy Yoo-Hoo again.

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