
Just in case you’re one of the few people that hasn’t heard about this, a video of Michael Richards, aka Kramer from “Seinfeld,” found its way online and is garnering considerable amount of attention. It seems that during a performance at an L.A. comedy club Richards got upset at some hecklers and went completely bat-shit insane lost his temper. Fortunately for us, a quick-thinking audience member took a video of the debacle for the whole world to enjoy. Be forewarned: The video is vulgar, racist, and very un-Kramer like. Watch it at your own discretion:

I just watched his apology on Letterman, and I’m not sure what to think. I want some time to ponder this, so I’ll post more tomorrow.

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2 thoughts on “Meltdown

  1. Anniina

    Okay, that’s just fucking disturbing. I wanna vomit.

  2. I know. Leigh and I have been to many standup shows, and it takes a special talent to deal with hecklers. At the very least he should never do standup, because he does not possess that talent. Not only does he lose his temper, he chose to fall back on racial attacks to berate the guy, which just reveals a whole other set of problems.

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