Matrix from Memory

I’ve seen The Matrix more times that I should have.
That said, this site has posted the funniest retelling of the movie I’ve ever seen. Little pictures accompany the text, and the text is pure genuis:

“Neo went to a club where they played White Zombie and he started talking to the girl who looked like a boy and her name was Trinity”


“Neo went to see the Oracle and she was a sassy old black woman baking cookies and she was the only person in the entire computer who was not dressed in a 10,000 dollar suit. She said some bullshit like “no, you aren’t The One even though Neo is an anagram for ‘one’ and everyone believes in you and the movie is obviously about you.” This was apparently exactly what The Neo needed to hear to turn his letters around. ”

Just go to the site and read the rest of it for youself, if for no other reason than to see Laurence Fishburne referred to as “Cowboy Curtis,” again.

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