I Am Not A Monster…Not Really, Anyway

I realize that I may have sounded a little harsh in my last post, and in doing so, I may have upset some of my more liberal readers. Basically, I advocated that as a society we should enslave people who were addicted to meth as a way to get some cheap labor for our cities. Enslave as in encourage their drug addiction, not lock them up or bind them with chains.

Cut me some slack people””I’m not completely inhuman.

Okay, maybe I was being a tad hyperbolic with that whole post…a little”¦okay, not really, but still.

I’m sure I irritate some folks because I don’t fit into any one of the neat little political holes that most people gladly push themselves into. I’m an irregular peg, and I like it that way.

I try to steer clear of the people who align perfectly with any one philosophy. I find those people scary.

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