I still don’t have my computer set-up running, but I did hook the main PC up long enough to copy a couple of images.
My mother mailed me a recent copy of “The West News,” which is the community newspaper of West, Texas. West is a very small community, and when we visit my parents I purposefully avoid so much as looking at their newspaper because it’s usually so rife with errors and bad prose I get itchy just reading it.
Since the community doesn’t really have a large enough population to support the newspaper, they offset the cost of production by selling ad space for all kinds of goofy shit. Quite often readers will buy large amounts of ad space for such things as birthday announcements, garage sale schedules, and to congratulate Bobby Ray for finishing third in the bi-annual calf-scramble.
My mom saw this ad and just knew I’d want to see it (click for larger version):
First off, if I was Poopsie I’d be a little miffed at seeing that someone had revealed my nickname, “Awesome Blossom” to the whole community. Second off, why in the hell did the editor of the newspaper okay the publication of a picture of Poopise in the middle of a flying V shot (click for larger version)?
Bleh. I don’t know about you, but Poopise makes me a little bit queasy. And maybe it’s just me, but doesn’t it look like Poopsie isn’t wearing any shorts? I pray that little dark spot in her crotch is the result of a shadow and not something more”¦nefarious.
Ewww. Okay I’m creeped out and disturbed on so many levels it’s scary. 😯