Do Not Buy From Cingular Wireless

We bought a Nokia 6230 from Cingular Wireless. When we received the phone the keypad contained a printing error. The numbers are as follows: 1 2 6 4 5 6 7 8 9. Obviously, this was a manufactured printing error. I decided not to worry about it too much, as the button that was labeled 6 functioned as the three. For me, the aesthetic unpleasantness wasn’t greater than sending the phone back.

Unfortunately, the phone also tends to reboot itself a lot. It will also reject the SIM card for no apparent reason. Bluetooth only seems to work when it wants to. I wasn’t able to activate the phone immediately after charging it because it kept rejecting the SIM card. I was told that sometimes SIM cards take a while to activate.

The erratic behavior of the phone has gotten worse. The phone still falls well under the one year warranty that Cingular, so we decided to have it replaced. I told Cingular about the keypad and was under the impression that replacing that was no problem either.

But, according to Cingular replacing my misprinted keypad is a problem because they consider it an “accessory” which they will not replace. I only found this out after they sent out my replacement phone sans keypad.

Cingular doesn’t care they sold me a phone with a faulty keypad. They told me to either a) spend thirty bucks and buy another one; or b) contact the original manufacturer which would be Nokia. So either way Cingular sells phones for retail prices which they will not stand behind. That would be like if you bought a chair from The Roomstore, and when you got home you realized that one leg missing. When you took it back to The Roomstore they tell you to take it back to the manufacturer because it is no longer their problem.

Anyway, don’t buy from Cingular. And it you happen to call 1-800-801-1101 and speak to the supervisor Chris (whose Employee Number is CT5867) tell him Mark hopes he get syphilis from a Thai hooker.

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