Britney Spears Is A Disgusting Slore

Sometimes writing for the blog is easy and other times not so much. When I’m having trouble thinking of something to write about I troll link aggregator sites,daytime hooker web sites devoted to listing the most frequently clicked stories on the net, to help get the old writing juices flowing.

For the past few days I haven’t visited one of the damn things without seeing a handful of links for Britney Spears’ sluttly little panty-less escapades. Since splitting up with her husband (I’m embarrassed I even know she was married) she’s had no less than four sets of photos snapped of her exiting a vehicle in a skirt, wherein her uncovered and overused cooter is clearly displayed.

It’s gotten so bad that ABC News posted a story about her crotch.

biohazardFour times is no accident; she wants us to look at that nasty thing. And no, I’m not linking to any pages containing the photos. I’m refusing to link to them for two reasons: 1) That’s what she wants, and I won’t be played by the likes of her trailer-park ass; 2) There’s no way I can tell when you’ve eaten, and I don’t want to be responsible for vomit-caked keyboards.

Oddly enough, Britney’s been with Paris Hilton every time this “accident” occurred. Who knew that sluttiness was catching?

Oh, I kid, I kid.

She was a talentless skanky slut before she started hanging out with Paris.

*NOTE: You may have noticed I called Britney a slut several times in this post. I know you’re wondering why I didn’t call her a whore, and I have a very good reason. Traditionally, a whore gets financially compensated for his or her sexual performances, whereas a slut does the horizontal hokey-pokey for free.

Categories: Jackassery | 3 Comments

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3 thoughts on “Britney Spears Is A Disgusting Slore

  1. tee hee! Funny post, M. And I never heard the word “Slore” before, haha Did you coin it? Either way, totally ripping you off – will slip the word “Slore” into every convo I can for the next few days 😛

  2. Unfortunately I did not coin it. In Ghostbusters Luis Tully says that a giant slore was one of the past forms chosen by Gozer. You know…as opposed to a giant Marshmallow Man.

  3. Hmm, but did he mean that to mean what you meant it to mean?

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