Breaking Not-News


On Wednesday the White House revealed that last year doctors treated President Bush for Lyme’s disease. Lyme’s disease is a tick-borne bacterial infection that causes a target shaped rash and a fever, and if left untreated can also cause fatigue, muscle pains, short term memory loss and other neurological disorders. After the President noticed a rash, the location of which was not disclosed, he notified his physician and subsequently received antibiotics for the infection.

So, you know, he’s absolutely fine.

It is not known if the President has any other rashes or insect-borne illnesses, but White House insiders allege that former President Bill Clinton did, in fact, receive a constant supply of creams and antibiotics for an unknown skin condition somewhere on his nether-regions.

In other not-news, Lindsay Lohan is experiencing problems with cocaine and sexual promiscuity, there are apparently problems with our health care system, and eating fast food can make your ass fat.

Categories: Politics | 3 Comments

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3 thoughts on “Breaking Not-News

  1. did you know that Lyme’s disease can not be cured? it only can be supressed below a certain level to make your life seem right, but yu can never get cured.

  2. hey, how is it that the discuss has not started yet?
    I finished the book this Sunday morning on August 12

  3. Flood

    Memory loss, does that mean plausible deniability?

    Yeah, that is called crabs. I wonder if he tells his women about the creams?

    Makes me glad that we don’t have government based health care, cause her bill would be huge.

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