Monthly Archives: December 2012

The Homegrown Revival’s 2nd Pop-up Dinner or: How THGR Avoided The Sophomore Slump

Last Wednesday, The Homegrown Revival held its second pop-up dinner.  The Homegrown Revival Team held the first pop-up dinner in September of this year. The pop-up dinners, as THGR Team likes to call them, are unique in that the attendees don’t know the location of the event until the day of the event itself. Several […]

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I Biscuit

Higgins awoke to the sound of someone pounding angrily on his office door. He scratched his head, and he rubbed his eyes in a vain attempt to chase away the hangover plaguing him. The hangover was so bad his head felt swollen. Inflated, even. Like a big balloon. He wondered if it was possible for […]

Categories: Writing | Leave a comment

My Reactions to Twitter Trends Regarding the Newton Shooting

Quick note: I wrote these up while watching Twitter updates on the Newton shooting. These points are my immediate, emotional responses to some of the tweets I was reading. Please treat them as such.   1. If we enact harsher gun control, then only the criminals will have guns. They don’t buy them legally, so […]

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