links for 2006-03-14
Not that you don’t make some good points in your blog post, but everyone kinda already knew that George. But thanks for posting.
A couple from Oxkutzcab fought with one another until they inadvertently blew their house up with gasoline bombs. The article compares them to Mr. & Mrs. Smith, but the woman’s quote makes me go with Mr. & Mrs. Rose.
Sad news, that. Stone and Parker are claiming Hayes is upset they did an episode satirizing Scientology. I keep getting disappointed by the number of talented people who buy into that con.
“A check of Brokeback parodies on Google should convince anyone with half a brain that the American pop culture is intent on passing this passionate, well-meant, and well-made movie like a kidney stone…It laughs that s— right out of its system.”
“He also says the Star Wars TV show is a go…It’s going to be much darker, much more character-based, and I think it’s going to be everything the fans always wanted the prequels to be.” Explain again why the prequels weren’t like this?
It works great for trussing up your turkey. Throw away that butcher’s twine and use “The Food Loop” next Thanksgiving. Still using an old wire garrote? Upgrade to “The Food Loop.” Dishwasher safe, and it won’t break when pulled taught around a neck.
Why are there no more Cyclopses, Minotaurs, Dragons or Fairies? Moses didn’t want’em on the ark. Mermaids? Simple. They can’t asexually reproduce. This episode also has some really funny stuff. Burt Reynolds & Dom Deluise lend their voices. Check it out.
Do you have long legs like me? These little devices prevent the jackass in front of you from ramming their seat into your legs. So, if anyone feels like sending me a presents…
We appreciate the fact that you died for your country, but really, wouldn’t you rather have the cross on your tombstone instead of the pentacle? You want the horned one and a goddess instead of Jesus? Sorry. We can’t have that in our cemetery.