Reading Group: The Sequel

I was very pleased with our first reading group, so I think, if everyone’s agreeable, that we should do it again. Anniina suggested Oryx and Crake, by Margaret Atwood, and unless anyone has any major objections that’ll be our next book. Just remember, if you don’t like this one you should address your hate-mails to Anniina.

Book Cover

If you want to participate in the second Hyperliterature reading group then leave a little note in the comment section to this post. When you get your hands on a copy of the book let me know and I’ll assign reading dates.

If you participated in the first reading group I’d be ecstatic if you convinced at least one friend to join this go-round.

Categories: Reading Group | 5 Comments

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5 thoughts on “Reading Group: The Sequel

  1. that sounds great!
    I’m trying to get it for me and will probably have it once again, in Hungarian.
    I am more than pleased with this selection for I have finished another Atwood’s and it was really great! Thanks Anniina, you know why.

  2. Tank

    Never read any Atwood. I guess it’s about time.

  3. Flood

    Sounds good to me.

  4. Eek! Okay. No hatemail, peeps 😛 I have the book sitting in a pile of “to be read” somewhere. I should find it pretty easily, so count me in. Trying to convince a friend to join.

  5. Flood

    Anniina, I know what you mean. I read the first chapter of “In Cold Blood” (not really a feat since it was only 2 pages) put it down and I can’t find it now. Drives me crazy.

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