Much to the dismay of everyone in San Antonio, Tropical Storm Erin moved out of the Gulf of Mexico today and proceeded to sit directly on top of us and rain down enough water to make me start rereading Genesis for survival tips.
I still haven’t figured out what the hell a cubit is.
Anywho. I’m still here, but only because our house is built on a fairly sharp little hill from our neighbors. Several houses around us flooded, and I spent most of the afternoon watching the newly formed river just beyond our back porch. Here’s a picture for comparison (click for full size):

The picture on the left was taken at 4:18 and the picture on the right was taken at 5:26. Actually, the picture doesn’t do it justice because you can’t hear the water rushing past. It was kinda scary. Watch the video for the full effect:
I’ve also posted several more pictures to my Flickr page. Scroll down and click on the Flickr badge, or just click here.
oh my God.
heheheheh now you know why they put the fence in the middle of the back yard like that…….
Bandera Road washed away last night too. A major road, underneath a rushing river. Cool.