Monthly Archives: February 2006
links for 2006-02-28 Autistic Teen’s Hoop Dreams – Google Video Video description: “When the autistic team manager of a high school basketball team got his chance in the spotlight, he shattered everyone’s expectations by scoring 20 points in four minutes.” Simply amazing. Have a kleenex handy. Homeowner shoots ‘ninja’ who attacked wife- Via San Francisco […]
As I spent most of the weekend drowning in a deluge of my own mucus (you’re welcome for that), I didn’t spend much time sitting in front of the computer. Not because of my flu symptoms, but because I don’t weather medication very well and I didn’t trust myself not to lapse into a coma […]
Job Search
Good news everyone! I took a little on-line quiz and found out I’m qualified to work as a Deliverator for a very popular fast food chain called “Ninja Burger.” I’d never heard of “Ninja Burger” before, but apparently they operate chains all over the globe. Choose a Ninja Burger Career at the Ninja Burger website. […]
links for 2006-02-27 The things I will not do when I direct a Shakespeare production, on stage or film So many good ones, but this one is particularly wince-inducing: “151. Having Shylock pour blood on a prayer shawl and ululate in Hebrew while waving a curved knife during the trial is just overkill.” Thieves make […]
You Sleep How Much?
I noticed on my last post that I wrote I would resume posting on Monday afternoon, and it occurred to me that my definition of afternoon and your definition of afternoon may differ greatly. I should probably explain that I define morning as the time I wake up after sleeping an extended period of time […]
Side Effect Include Drowsiness and Scythe Wielding Wraiths
I will resume normal jackassery on Monday (afternoon), so look for responses to all emails and substantive posts then. I spent most of the weekend in bed with the covers pulled up to my eyes hoping that the moaning noises I heard in my head were induced by the ridiculously high doses of flu medicine, […]
links for 2006-02-25 FilmWise If you’re a film nut like me you’ll spend all afternoon playing on this site. They have quizzes and contests and they’re all about movies. Hooray! Tests I can pass. theCitizen : Anarchy Travel Guides The Dallas guide could have been a little better. They say of Austin “If you are […]
links for 2006-02-24 Mini-Mart Clerk Microwaves Severed Penis That’s the real headline for that story, and it’s considered “Top News” on the CBS channel 5 station out of San Francisco. Ok, update: It wasn’t severed but it was full of pee. Dynamic Einstein picture
Deep Breath….And Release
Holy crap that last post was a doozie. If I tapped you out on that one take a break and watch as Chunk admonishes congress for their mistakes.
Soapbox Time
Sometimes I read something and I know immediately that I must write about it, but I’m so taken aback by what I’ve read that I sit at the computer and just stare at a blank Word page completely paralyzed and unable to convey”¦anything. Such has been the case with Christian Exodus. Their mission statement taken […]